1,000 True Fans:Answering the Money Question Even if you’re sold on the 1,000 True Fan concept, you may still be asking the Money Question. Read Part One: Embracing the 1,000 True Fans Concept Read Part Two: Identifying, Finding, Connecting with, and Growing...
Identifying, Finding, Connecting with, and Growing Your 1,000 True Fans How to make the “1,000 True Fans” concept work for you. Read Part One: Embracing the 1000 True Fans Concept In the previous part I described the 1,000 True Fans Concept in broad terms...
Embracing the 1000 True Fans Concept How to Build a Loyal Reader Base In 2008 Kevin Kelly wrote the original idea for the 1000 true fans. It breaks down like this: If you can find 1000 people who buy anything you create, that should be enough to earn you a living...
What Publishers Wish New Authors Knew If you’re submitting to a publisher, here are some things to keep in mind about yourself, your approach, and your goals, that they wish all authors knew. Are you hoping to land a contract with a traditional publishing house?...
How to Write a Series How to write a series that will pull readers eagerly into the next book. Series. We all know them. Many of us love them. I myself have always been drawn not only to reading them, but to writing them. Still, I’ve always known that writing a...