Ready to Learn?
Let’s get you started in the place that’s right for you!
First, are you here primarily to learn about WRITING?
(How to be the best writer you can be, the craft of writing, and information about the publishing industry, etc.)
Or are you more interested in learning how to MARKET what you write?
Or, hey, both? Both is good too! 😉

In all our Tracks, we have a few basic offerings: free articles, classes that you can purchase individually, and subscriptions that give you access to all classes within the Track, Premium Articles, and bonus perks like live Q&As, round table conversations, and even a Marketing “Meal Plan.”
Whatever brings you here, we hope you’ll enjoy exploring!
Focus on Writing
There’s more to being a writer than putting words on a page. There’s knowing how to react to edits and critiques. There’s learning to prioritize your writing time with all the OTHER stuff vying for your attention. There’s figuring out this whole, crazy publishing industry.
And of course, there’s the craft too. How do you write deep characters? What about settings that live and breath? And series?? Ack, how do you balance all the details of a series?
Learn from bestselling, award-winning author Roseanna M. White as she dives into all things writing.
But BEWARE: this author who has been called a “wordsmith extraordinaire” and a “master of her genre” doesn’t focus on tactics and techniques. You’re not going to find classes on the 3-Act structure or character GMCs. She’s instead going to focus on what underlies all those systems: the philosophy and mindset that you need no matter what systems you choose to use.
Focus on Marketing
Maybe you’re already confident in your writing. You may be self-publishing…or submitting…or accepted…or on your tenth novel. There’s never a wrong time to up your marketing game!
But…most authors hate it. It feels like selling. It takes away from their writing time. It’s a chore. It’s no fun.
If that’s what you’ve said too, then chin up! It’s just that you’ve been doing it wrong! 😉
Seriously, though. All our marketing, from the plethora of fantastic articles to our single classes to our incredible, in-depth, 8-week marketing intensive, “Identity Marketing,” is about making marketing FUN. Showing you how to turn on your creativity for it. And better still, showing you how to take it from “selling to people” to “building relationships with people and serving them.”
We don’t make any doubt-inducing claims about making a million dollars or “just do this and you’ll rocket to the besteller list.” Nope. What we do is show you how to adapt to whatever techniques you want, while employing an authentic, service-focused, sustainable philosophy of marketing.
Writing + Marketing
Most of us want (need?) to learn EVERYTHING… and honestly, learning it all at once has some major benefits. When you’re crafting your book or articles, you should learn to focus on your readers. As you begin to develop relationships with your readers, their feedback, needs, and loves will begin informing your writing.
This symbiosis is PERFECT! And paying attention to both at the same time guarantees that you keep both sides of the process—your internal process and interacting with others—in mind at all times.
Our Writing + Marketing Track gives you a fantastic balance of advice, instruction, and insight to help make you the kind of writer who can truly earn a living at this.

Email David – da***@cl***************.com
Email Roseanna – ro******@cl***************.com
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Copyright © 2023 Roseanna M. White and David J. White