Defining Your Author Identity

Defining Your Author Identity

Defining Your Author Identity: The Key to Authentic Marketing One of the things that’s consistently surprised me is that when I ask authors, “Why do you write what you write?” most authors seem to have no idea. One of the things that’s consistently surprised me is...
1,000 True Fans Part 3: Answering the Money Question

1,000 True Fans Part 3: Answering the Money Question

1,000 True Fans:Answering the Money Question Even if you’re sold on the 1,000 True Fan concept, you may still be asking the Money Question. Read Part One: Embracing the 1,000 True Fans Concept Read Part Two: Identifying, Finding, Connecting with, and Growing...
How to Build a Bookish Community

How to Build a Bookish Community

How to Build a Bookish Community How to build a community around your writing by changing your focus from “a platform to sell” to “a community of like-minded people I can serve.” No matter what you write—and no matter how you publish—you’re going to have to find...